When listening to these two potential songs for the first few times I came up with these mood boards of images that came into my head. These images are largely based around the lyrics in the songs. "Cherry tree" by JACKIE has lyrics which reflect memories of growing up, this is where the images of photos on the wall came from as well as the image of four different pairs of shoes in different sizes. If I was to use this song, these images would represent reoccurring symbols that would feature in the music video as a symbol of growing up. There are also images of different locations on this mind map, such as a dark bedroom, a bedroom where someone is making music (as well as a set up in a room for making music) and an urban yet suburban street. These are possible locations that I would use if I was to use this song for my music video. The location of the bedroom where music is made directly links to the lyrics which describe the artist starting off making music in his bedroom. The suburban street is a location I would also use in a music video for this song as it is conventional of the songs hip-hop genre. As the lyrics describe growing up, there is an element of time passing hinted at, the image of the sun at different stages in the day over the water represents this. I would use a shot of different parts of the day, demonstrated by the sun, to symbolise time passing. There are also various other images in this mood board which directly link to the song lyrics, such as the image of the cherry tree and the man riding the boat across the sea.
The second mood board is for the song "Your Light", most of the images used are symbolic of the lyrics, rather than things I would directly involve in my music video. For example, the image of the two young children holding hands represents the mention of young love in the lyrics, however I would not feature two young children as the main characters of my music video. This is because I would rather use someone who represents the artist as this is conventional of the soul genre. There are also images of different locations in this mood board, for example, a plain room and scenic nature locations. These are places I would use to film my music video if I was to use this song. I would use the plain room in order to keep the audiences focus on the character playing the artist, instead of the various objects that could distract the audiences attention in a cluttered room. I would aim to keep as much focus on this character as possible as it would promote them, which is conventional of the contemporary soul genre. As can be seen in modern soul artists music videos such as Amy Winehouses music video for back to black and tears dry on their own, where she is the main focus of the audiences attention. I would film in scenic nature environments as the lyrics describe elements of nature, such as flowers and rivers. The lyrics also describe a journey, suggested by the notion of the artist once being in the dark yet now being in the light. This journey is represented on the mood board through the images of flowers budding. These images also link with the first line of the song "I opened up like a flower in the sun". Also in this mood board are images with religious connotations, although I may not include this element in my music video as it risks taking away the contemporary, urban element, I have included them in my mood board as the lyrics can easily be interpreted as religious, as a light is described as well a new way of life. Other images on this mood board include direct links to the reference of light in the song as well as the possibility of making the music video based around a relationship.